Designed for businesses as well as for organizations in non-competing sectors, the 5 steps method leads businesses to identify the capabilities required to reach strategic objectives. It then describes a 5 steps path to operational excellence.

How to implement the 5 steps method within an organization ?

Here are examples of the implementation of the 5 steps method within different organizations and fields :


Thierry MORIN, Chairman and CEO of the Valeo Group

“Valeo constantly strives to improve the quality of its products and to offer a uniform service to all its clients.

Thierry Morin - Valeo

In a decentralized and multicultural group present in thirty countries, that regularly reconfigures itself to meet the needs of its clients, such an ambition can seem like an impossible challenge. To achieve this, for several years the group has defined a policy of standardization: the 5 axis. The first challenge is to ensure an efficient and complete implementation, whatever the culture or the level of industrial maturity. The other challenge is to give managers the tools for driving and making decisions, based on this shared benchmark.

The 5 steps framework, of which Valeo is the initiator, meets these needs. The strategies for the businesses are set out in roadmaps that describe our standard route to operational excellence. Whatever their level of maturity, the Group’s divisions can thus define their action plans to improve their performance. Thanks to their visual simplicity and the richness of their content, the roadmaps have been rapidly understood, appreciated and finally deployed by all the Group’s operational staff.

Therefore roadmaps bring real progress to the whole group. They offer a common language that allows different factories to share their experience and to improve our processes collectively. They accelerate the integration of newly acquired companies, which benefit from an immediate managerial benchmark to be implemented.

They easily identify the risks and the delays. The method’s driving indicators are analyzed on a regular basis by executive commitees so that we can rapidly adjust the means to our objectives.

They mobilize the operational staff on improvement priorities and increase the value of the contribution of basic actions to the success of the Group. Today, proud of our success, we are implementing a new generation of roadmaps. These capitalize on the feedback about the experience and best practices gathered by the whole Group over the previous years.

One more step along the path towards excellence at the service of our clients.”

Christophe RUPRICH ROBERT, Deputy Chief Executive of Vaucluse General Council

“At this stage we have completed 5 roadmaps – tools for driving the implementation of a strategy, an IT process or solution – in areas such as IT for decision-making systems, the implementation of a collaborative work platform and a project for a quality system of dealing with the public.

We gain significant benefits for the community, especially for managing responsibilty. The 5 steps project invents a bridge between the “public” world and the “private” world by attempting to bring together best management practices to create the best tool for every organisation.”



The 5 steps method to deploy efficiently your strategy

To deploy a strategy, mobilise the organisation, improve processes, measure risks…to sum it up, to ensure performnce. The whole organisation wishes it and it’s the dream of every single manager !

But how to achieve those goals when multiples obstacles are on the path of the implementation of change strategies? Does “the” good method exist?


The authors of this book, recognized experts and with practical experiences, have developed the “5 steps method”, based on a roadmap principle that can apply on any field and any kind of organizations or strategies.

  • 5 steps to reach strategic goals
  • 5 steps to lead to operational excellence

The 5 steps method covers the main management issues :

  • A concrete and shared formalization of the strategy
  • A team mobilization on priorities
  • A capitalization between the actors of the organization
  • A progress plan and its application follow-up

Publications R&D


Approche “gestionnaire” de la capacité organisationnelle et pilotage du progrès: apports d’un dispositif pionnier de gestion des capacités organisationnelles dans une entreprise mondialisée

I. Fall, 2008, Thèse Ecole des Mines de Paris

arrowConférences avec actes

Web 2.0 : comment piloter le nuage?

Albert David et Nicolas Monomakhoff, Mai 2011, AIM, La Réunion

Stratégie en action et capacités organisationnelles : une comparaison entre le Balanced Scorecard et la méthode 5 steps

E. Canet et A. David, Mai 2009, ACFAS, Québec, Canada

Designing and managing Organizational Interoperability with organizational capabilities and roadmaps

P. Rauffet, A. Bernard et C. Da Cunha, Avril 2009, International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, Pékin, Chine

La capacité comme objet de gestion à travers une expérience pionnière de mise en gestion systématique des capacités organisationnelles d’une entreprise industrielle

I. Fall, Mai 2008, ACFAS, Québec, Canada

Assessed, interactive and automated reification in a virtual community of practice

P. Rauffet, A. Bernard, C. Da Cunha, N. Du Preez, L. Louw et W. Uys, Avril 2008, TMCE, Izmir, Turquie

Le roadmapping de management: une méthode de pilotage et de maturation des capacités organisationnelles de l’entreprise

I. Fall, Mai 2007, ACFAS, Québec, Canada

arrowColloques sans actes

Le pilotage de la performance et les pratiques de mangement 2.0

Nicolas Monomakhoff et François Blanc, AIM 2010, La Rochelle

Intégration de la conduite du progrès dans le pilotage de la performance: développement des capacités organisationnelles par l’apprentissage

P. Rauffet, A. Bernard et C. Da Cunha, Novembre 2008, GDR-MACS, Metz, France

Pilotage de la performance organisationnelle: d’un modèle intuitif à un modèle inductif des capacités organisationnelles

P. Rauffet, A. Bernard et C. Da Cunha, Juin 2008, CRIEC, Nantes, France

La méthode 5 steps

N. Monomakhoff, Mai 2008, Rencontres de Cargèse, Cargèse, France

La méthode 5 steps: à partir de l’exemple du groupe Valeo, comment une organisation peut-elle déployer efficacement ses plans stratégiques et en mesurer le progrès?

F. Blanc et N. Monomakhoff, Avril 2008, Les Rencontres 2008 du Management de Projet, Paris, France

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